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How to Make Money Online Without Spending a Dollar

There are many options for making money online without spending any money up front, I’m going to cover using free Blogspot/Blogger blogs at and using AdSense and Clickbank to make money from free search engine traffic to your blog. At the end of the article is a list of links to some of my other SEO type articles, I strongly advise you read them all as I’m not going to cover much SEO here and it’s important for generating search engine traffic for free.

Firstly this is not a quick money making scheme, it’s going to take effort, in fact if someone completely new to this managed to get to $50 a day within a year of using these ideas I’d be very, very impressed (if you have money to spend WordPress is where I’d put my time, it’s better SEO wise, but it does cost money to start: hosting and domain registration fees). For a poor person living in India or Pakistan (which is where a LOT of my traffic to my money making and SEO information sites comes from!) even $5 extra a day could make a big difference to the quality of their life.
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