The new profile is much alluring and captivating than the current one. However, irrespective of its pretty amazing features, it takes time to set it up so one cannot be sure if the Facebook users will take time to do so. On the other hand, if f you are completely mesmerized by the profile and want to try it right away then there is actually a way to do so and actually feel what the Timeline profile has to offer.
You can follow the steps below to enable the new profile even before it is launched officially. All you need to do is to enable the developer mode. You are also required to build an app but then it is quite simple.
How to Enable Facebook Timeline
1- Before we start with the procedure make sure that you have a mobile number connected with your profile. If not, you can go into Account settings and add a mobile number there.
2- Look for the Developer App on Facebook or you directly navigate to the address

3- When you choose the Create New App option it will ask you for a name for the application. You can name your app anything you like. Sine one does not actually have to create an app you can name it anything. The app is developed to get approval as a Facebook developer and enable oneself to use the Timeline feature.

4- You will have to give some details for the application. Navigate to open graph in the left sidebar. Now enter any test action like watch television, read a magazine or anything else.

5- Then it will again ask you to fill in some details. You can easily skip this page and click on next. Keep clicking on Next until you reach the page that says Save and Finish page. This will create an application but will not be visible to anyone, except you.

Once you have successfully finished the above steps, you can visit your profile again where an invitation to try out the new Timeline profile would be waiting for you.

Sorce : .bp.blogspot
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