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Veena Malik: 'Nude pose' Pakistani model 'doesn't rule out a naked shoot in the future'

Pakistani actress and model, Veena Malik, had everyone's attention when rumors about her nude photoshoot for the cover of FHM India's December issue did the rounds of the Internet. Although the model has denied having done any such shoot, the magazine's editor insists it did, in fact, happen, claiming to have proof - e-mails exchanged between the magazine and Veena. More drama followed, when she sued the magazine for defamation and the magazine counter-sued their cover girl.
At the end of the day, however, the news and the issue have been doing the rounds
of the Internet with nary an angle being spared. The controversy has
made it particularly big, among feminists, entertainers and even commentators on the Islamic religion.
Veena Malik, the Pakistani model and actress at the centre of a storm about allegations that she posed nude for a men’s magazine, is reported to have said that the stress of the controversy has aged her.
Referring to FHM India, the 33-year-old is reported to have said: “I feel completely cheated. They've added ten years to my age.”
She said.“Why is sexuality such a big problem? Are we actually grown up? Are we still living in the jungles?”
It has also been reported that Malik is claiming the support of her fans – and wouldn’t rule out a nude shoot in the future.
She is reported to have said: '”I'm a very strong person. If I did something like that, I would stand by my actions.
“Would I pose nude In the future? Who knows what will happen tomorrow.”
Ms Malik's lawyer, Ayaz Bilawala, has denied the FHM India nude cover photo was authentic and that she was wearing underwear throughout the entire shoot.
He has demanded all copies of the magazine be removed from news-stands and is suing for £1.3 million in damages.
Other reports suggest that the internationally-franchised magazine is seeking damages of 250 million rupees against the controversial star.
Regarding the images concerned, Malik claimed she was not paid for the shoot – although she did clarify defiantly that it was “topless” but not nude.
“If you look at my shoot, I do admit that I have done a topless shoot,” she said.
“But it was not that topless - a proportion of the body was covered with my hands.
“I liked the idea of a bold shoot, but I did not do a nude shoot - that's why I am standing here today, because I have to prove it.”
She added: “I won't allow anybody to remove my bikini or my shalwar (loose trousers) or my dupatta (scarf).
“If I want to do it, I will do it myself. And if I do it, I will own it.”
And asked about reports that she has been disowned by her father, Malik insisted that she would win her family over.
“My father is angry. I did not speak to him.
“They are my family and I love them.... Once I have won this case I will go back to my family and convince them.”

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