If you are already a member of MySpace you will know that they don’t exactly take kindly to people promoting their wares on the website. But if that’s the case, how do you make money by using the site?
The answer is simple – you do it subtly and in a way that will naturally encourage people to follow what you are saying and go elsewhere to find out more. The key to success is to build a profile that tells people who you are and what you are about – which will brand you as an expert in a particular area and get you remembered for all the right reasons when you want to promote your affiliate links online.

If you have a presence elsewhere online – a blog, a website, and any other social networking sites that maybe aren’t quite so strict about not promoting your business as MySpace is – make sure you include them in your links section. This will encourage more traffic to flow between all your web presences, and you’ll start to make more sales as a result.
You can also make good use of the blog you get on MySpace; the great thing about this is that you can include hyperlinks (clickable links) to other websites. Again, you don’t want to be trying to sell directly off this but you could set up a page on Squidoo – a site that welcomes the idea of making money from a free web page, and you’ll find out more about it in a later post – or promote affiliate links or products on your own website that you can link into.
I’m sure you can see by now that the way to make money from having an account with MySpace is to do so indirectly. Before you post anything new to your MySpace page or blog, ask yourself if you are blatantly advertising or doing so in a more subtle way. There is no reason why you can’t recommend your own website that is packed full of information on your specialist subject and hopefully make some sales off there as a result.
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